Action por el empleo, en las diferentes regiones.

En fases previas del proyecto, organizamos las entidades y actividades en diferentes Comités regionales.
Próximamente actualizaremos la información con las acciones realizadas en cada región.


What is a Regional Committee?

A Regional Committee is a group of civil society entities attached to the campaign that volunteer to promote and disseminate its objectives, adapting the campaign to the respective regions where are these Committees are formed.

A Regional Committee for the campaign, according to the regional groups established by the United Nations system will be created. Each Regional Committee may have autonomy to act in turn create subcommittees within the region.

How is a Regional Committee organised?

Each Committee can be organised on the initiative of one or more organisations that, seeking the maximum possible integration of the various stakeholders, assume the priority objectives that give meaning to the international campaign.

An agreement will be signed between the coordinating organisation/s of each Regional Committee and the Novia Salcedo Foundation, setting out the rights and obligations of each party.

What are the goals of Regional Committees?

They must take into account the goals established by the International Campaign and adapt them to their regional context: promote policies in favour of the youth employment, provide guidelines for their implementation, promote the role of youth organisations and civil society organisations (companies, trade unions, employers, universities etc. ) and raise public awareness regarding the importance of supporting and promoting the situation of young people in relation to the labour market.

What role does the Novia Salcedo Foundation (NSF) play in these Regional Committees?

The NSF will try to drive and coordinate, at a global level, the network of organisations involved in the International Campaign for the Proclamation of the Youth Employment Decade. In addition, it will maintain a constant relationship with these committees to coordinate their respective programmes in relation to the International Campaign. It will offer its support to the Regional Committees, it will plan and implement activities related to the International Campaign for the Proclamation of the Youth Employment Decade and support their communication and dissemination efforts.

How is a Regional Committee funded?

Each Regional Committee shall be self-supporting and will be responsible for the implementation of its activities.

United Nations Regional Groups of Member States

African Group

·          Algeria

·          Angola

·          Benin

·          Botswana

·          Burkina Faso

·          Burundi

·          Cape Verde

·         Cameroon

·          Central African Republic

·          Chad

·          Comoros

·          Congo

·          Côte d’Ivoire

·          Democratic Rep. of the Congo

·          Djibouti

·          Egypt

·          Equatorial Guinea

·          Eritrea

·          Ethiopia

·          Gabon

·          Gambia

·          Ghana

·          Guinea

·          Guinea-Bissau

·          Kenya

·          Lesotho

·          Liberia

·          Libya

·          Madagascar

·          Malawi

·          Mali

·          Mauritania

·          Mauritius

·          Morocco

·          Mozambique

·          Namibia

·          Niger

·          Nigeria

·          Rwanda

·          São Tomé and Príncipe

·          Senegal

·          Seychelles

·          Sierra Leone

·          Somalia

·          South Africa

·          South Sudan

·          Sudan

·          Swaziland

·          Togo

·          Tunisia

·          Uganda

·          United Rep. of Tanzania

·          Zambia

·          Zimbabwe

Asia-Pacific Group

·          Afghanistan

·          Bahrain

·          Bangladesh

·          Bhutan

·          Brunei Darussalam

·          Cambodia

·          China

·          Cyprus

·          Dem. People’s Rep. of Korea

·          Fiji

·          India

·          Indonesia

·          Iran (Islamic Republic of)

·          Iraq

·          Japan

·          Jordan

·          Kazakhstan

·          Kuwait

·          Kyrgyzstan

·          Lao People’s Republic

·          Lebanon

·          Malaysia

·          Maldives

·          Marshall Islands

·          Micronesia (Fed. States of)

·          Mongolia

·          Myanmar

·          Nauru

·          Nepal

·          Oman

·          Pakistan

·          Palau

·          Papua New Guinea

·          Philippines

·          Qatar

·          Republic of Korea

·          Samoa

·          Saudi Arabia

·          Singapore

·          Solomon Islands

·          Sri Lanka

·          Syrian Arab Republic

·          Tajikistan

·          Thailand

·          Timor-Leste

·          Tonga

·          Turkey*

·          Turkmenistan

·          Tuvalu

·          United Arab Emirates

·          Uzbekistan

·          Vanuatu

·          Vietnam

·          Yemen


Eastern European Group

·          Albania

·          Armenia

·          Azerbaijan

·          Belarus

·          Bosnia and Herzegovina

·          Bulgaria

·          Croatia

·          Czech Republic

·          Estonia

·          Georgia

·          Hungary

·          Latvia

·          Lithuania

·          Montenegro

·          Poland

·          Republic of Moldova

·          Romania

·          Russian Federation

·          Serbia

·          Slovakia

·          Slovenia

·          The former Yugoslav

·          Republic of Macedonia

·          Ukraine

Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

·          Antigua and Barbuda

·          Argentina

·          Bahamas

·          Barbados

·          Belize

·          Bolivia (Pluri. State of)

·          Brazil

·          Chile

·          Colombia

·          Costa Rica

·          Cuba

·          Dominica

·          Dominican Republic

·          Ecuador

·          El Salvador

·          Grenada

·          Guatemala

·          Guyana

·          Haiti

·          Honduras

·          Jamaica

·          Mexico

·          Nicaragua

·          Panama

·          Paraguay

·          Peru

·          Saint Kitts and Nevis

·          Saint Lucia

·          Saint Vincent & Grenadines

·          Suriname

·          Trinidad and Tobago

·          Uruguay

·          Venezuela(Bolivarian Rep. of)

Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

·          Andorra

·          Australia

·          Austria

·          Belgium

·          Canada

·          Denmark

·          Finland

·          France

·          Germany

·          Greece

·          Iceland

·          Ireland

·          Israel*

·          Italy

·          Liechtenstein

·          Luxembourg

·          Malta

·          Monaco

·          Netherlands

·          New Zealand

·          Norway

·          Portugal

·          San Marino

·          Spain

·          Sweden

·          Switzerland

·          Turkey*

·          United Kingdom

·          United States of America*

*Special cases

-Israel In May 2000 Israel became a WEOG full member, on a temporary basis (subject to renewal), in WEOG’s headquarters in the US, thereby enabling it to put forward candidates for election to various UN General Assembly bodies. In 2004 Israel obtained a permanent renewal to its membership.
-Kiribati As of 2010, Kiribati (geographically in Oceania) is not a member of any regional group, despite other Oceania nations belonging to the Asian group. Despite its membership in the United Nations, Kiribati has never delegated a permanent representative to the UN. Turkey Turkey, participates fully in both WEOG and Asian Group, but for electoral purposes is considered a member of WEOG only.
-United States of America The United States of America is not a member of any regional group, but attends meetings of the Western Europe and Other States Group (WEOG) as an observer and is considered to be a member of that group for electoral purposes.
Cyprus: Was not mentioned in the source but older image indicated it belongs to the Asian group, left as such whilst awaiting confirmation.


UN regional groups.svg
UN regional groups” by Lokal_Profil. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Commons.

Map of the world showing the United Nations Regional Groups (as they are for election purposes).

The African Group
The Asian Group
The Eastern European Group
The Latin American and Caribbean States (GRULAC)
The Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
UN member not in any voting group
Non-UN state or territory