People under 25 years of age who are not working or studying can join a digital register

The struggle against the critical situation caused by youth unemployment in Spain and other countries of Southern Europe now has a new tool: the Youth Guarantee Plan. One year after the European Commission approved a 6,000 million euro fund to combat youth unemployment, of which Spain will receive 1,887 million, the first steps are being taken to implement the scheme.

Last week, the Minister for Employment and Social Security, Fátima Báñez, announced that the State and the autonomous communities are working on a single digital register, which came into operation on July 7, to offer employment, training or placement plans for young people within a maximum period of four months. “The idea is that unemployed people under 25 years of age, who are neither working or training, can obtain work experience and join the labour market”, she explained.

The register will be included in the Youth Guarantee portal and will be open to young people and businesses. The portal will include general information about the system, a personal area that includes training cycles for the people registered and access to the Ministry’s employment website.

Youth Guarantee is part of the Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Strategy 2013-2016, a ministry initiative that includes 100 measures aimed at facilitating the employment and the self-employment of young people. Measures include a reduction in social security fees for companies with fewer than ten workers that hire young people under 30 years of age, or a 50 euro flat rate social security fee for self-employed workers; two measures that, according to the Ministry of Employment, have enabled 400 young people to find job opportunities.